一、 Kepp-Alive使用情况
1、当你的Server内存充足时,KeepAlive =On还是Off对系统性能影响不大。
2、当你的Server上静态网页(Html、图片、Css、Js)居多时,建议打开KeepAlive 。
3、当你的Server多为动态请求(因为连接数据库,对文件系统访问较多),KeepAlive 关掉,会节省一定的内存,节省的内存正好可以作为文件系统的Cache(vmstat命令中cache一列),降低I/O压力。
PS:当KeepAlive =On时,KeepAliveTimeOut的设置其实也是一个问题,设置的过短,会导致Apache 频繁建立连接,给Cpu造成压力,设置的过长,系统中就会堆积无用的Http连接,消耗掉大量内存,具体设置多少,可以进行不断的调节,因你的网站浏览和服务器配置 而异。
对于HTTP/1.0来说可以充分利用浏览器默认最大并发连接数比HTTP/1.1多的好 处,实现不增加新域名的开销而更高的并行,减少域名解释的开销(注:IE 6,7在HTTP/1.0中默认最大并发连接数为4,在HTTP/1.1中默认最大并发连接数为2,IE8都为6,Firefox2在HTTP/1.0中 默认最大并发连接数为2 在HTTP/1.1中默认最大并发连接数为8,firefox 3默认都是6),根据10年7月Google索引的42亿个网页的统计报告,每张网页里包含29.39个图片,7.09个外部脚本,3.22个外部 样式表,如果设置了Keep-Alive并且合理控制Keep-Alive TimeOut这个参数可以大量的节约连接的开销,提高相应速度。如果设置不好,在大并发的情况小,因维持大量连接而使服务器资源耗尽,而对于目前国内大 部分的用户使用的还是IE6,7的情况
/** * Created by Administrator on 14-4-30. */var http = require('http');var EventEmitter = require('evnets').EventEmitter;var net = require('net');var util = require('util');var Agent = function(optinos){ var self = this; // 选项配置 self.options = options || {}; // 保存请求的全部hostname self.requests = {}; // 创建的socket连接数 self.sockets = {}; // 未被使用的socket self.unusedSockets = {}; // socket的最大连接数量 self.maxSockets = self.options.maxSockets || Agent.defaultMaxSockets; self.on('free',function(socket,host,port){ var hostname = host + ':' + port; // 如果有正在请求的主机 if(self.requests[hostname] && self.requests[hostname].length) { self.requests[hostname].shift().onSocket(socket); } else { // 如果没有请求数就销毁socket连接并从连接池移除 if(!self.unusedSockets[hostname]) { self.unusedSockets[hostname] = []; } self.unusedSockets[hostname].push(socket); } }); self.createConnection = net.createConnection;};util.inherits(Agent,EventEmitter);Agent.defaultMaxSockets = 10;Agent.prototype.defaultPort = 80;Agent.prototype.addRequest = function(req,host,port){ var hostname = host + ':' + port; if(this.unusedSockets[hostname] && this.unusedSockets[hostname].length) { req.onSocket(this.unusedSockets[hostname].shift()); return; } if(!this.sockets[hostname]) { this.sockets[hostname] = []; } if(this.sockets[hostname].length < this.maxSockets) { req.onSocket(this.createSocket(hostname,host,port)); } else { if(!this.requests[hostname]) { this.requests[hostname] = []; } this.requests[hostname].push(req); }};Agent.prototype.createSocket = function(name, host, port) { var self = this; var s = self.createConnection(port, host, self.options); if (!self.sockets[name]) { self.sockets[name] = []; } this.sockets[name].push(s); var onFree = function() { self.emit('free', s, host, port); } s.on('free', onFree); var onClose = function(err) { // 这是唯一移除socket代理的地方,如果你想从连接池中移除socket,就关闭连接,所有的socket错误会导致连接关闭 self.removeSocket(s, name, host, port); } s.on('close', onClose); var onRemove = function() { // We need this function for cases like HTTP "upgrade" // (defined by WebSockets) where we need to remove a socket from the pool // because it'll be locked up indefinitely self.removeSocket(s, name, host, port); s.removeListener('close', onClose); s.removeListener('free', onFree); s.removeListener('agentRemove', onRemove); } s.on('agentRemove', onRemove); return s;};Agent.prototype.removeSocket = function(s, name, host, port) { if (this.sockets[name]) { var index = this.sockets[name].indexOf(s); if (index !== -1) { this.sockets[name].splice(index, 1); } } else if (this.sockets[name] && this.sockets[name].length === 0) { delete this.sockets[name]; delete this.requests[name]; } if (this.requests[name] && this.requests[name].length) { // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed a new one // needs to be created to take over in the pool for the one that closed. this.createSocket(name, host, port).emit('free'); }};
var http = require('http');var keepAliveAgent = require('./agent.js'); var agent = new keepAliveAgent({ maxSockets: 100 }); // Optionally define more parallel sockets var options = { agent: agent, hostname: 'example.com', path: '/path'}; // do gethttp.get(options);// do requesthttp.request(options,function(){});